Utilization Of New Media As Digital Fandom Among Korean Pop (K-POP) Fan Groups On The Social Media Platform Twitter

Rahmadya Putra Nugraha, Siti Komsiah


The popularity of Korean Pop (K-pop) has been continuously thriving in various parts of the world and has permeated different aspects of people's lives across diverse demographics. This phenomenon is also attributed to the advancements in technology, which have significantly eased the accessibility of K-pop content for the general public. This research employs a qualitative method with a virtual ethnography approach, utilizing data collection techniques such as in-depth interviews with seven informants, participant observation, literature review, and collecting digital documents in the form of screenshots. The results of this research depict fandom culture based on Lucy Bennett's perspective, which can be observed through four aspects: communication, creativity, knowledge, and organization and civil power, utilizing Twitter as a new media platform. Through the accounts created on Twitter, the researcher discovered that fan groups (fandoms) construct and produce their own culture in the digital realm. Twitter is used as a platform for interacting among fellow fans and with idols, serving as a source of information and a means of sharing information. Fans communicate through created virtual identities, fan speak, and fan jokes that can be observed on fan accounts, fanbases, and other platforms. Knowledge is obtained from official accounts as well as fanbases, where fans also produce works in various forms (audio, images, photos, and written works) that are shared through fan accounts. Fan groups also engage in fan projects through fanbase accounts, such as voting, voting, celebrating idols' birthdays, and making donations for their idols in various forms.


Digital Fandom, K-Pop, Social Media, Twitter

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v40.1.5584


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