Human Capital, Social Capital And The Role Of Goverment In Ground Coffe SMEs In Tanah Datar Regency

Muhammad Farrel Syabena, Yonariza Yonariza, Nofialdi Nofialdi


This research aims to describe the conditions of human capital, social capital, and the role of the government in ground coffee small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Tanah Datar Regency. The research methodology employed a survey approach, using cross-sectional data collected from 104 respondents through questionnaires and interviews. The research variables included human capital, social capital, and government role. Qualitative analysis was used for this purpose. The study found that ground coffee processors in Tanah Datar Regency possessed good human capital, supported by effective training participation and substantial knowledge. Social capital was also relatively high among coffee processors due to strong relationships and norms within the community. However the role of the government in supporting the performance of ground coffee businesses was perceived to be low, both as a regulator, facilitator, and catalyst.


Agroindustry, Ground Coffee, Flat Land.

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