A Critical Ranking of the Various Leadership Skills use as Motivational Strategies for Construction Managers in Anambra State.
Good leadership in construction is a result of the effective use and implementation of important skills such as: Understanding the needs and characteristics of the post, knowing and using the resources of the group effectively, effective communication and planning, and controlling team performance. The study aim to carry out a critical ranking of the various leadership skills use as motivational strategies for Construction Managers in Anambra State. To achieve this, the study examine leadership Skills as Motivational Strategies for Enhancing Construction Managers Performance. The study adopted descriptive survey design by distributing 60 well-structured questionnaires. The 40 retrieved and analyzed responses shows that there are five (5) non-negotiable leadership skills that every construction organisation in Nnewi, Awka, and Onitsha must take into consideration. These five (5) skills are top motivators for improved project delivery and performance in Anambra State. For the organisation to maximize their construction manager productivity, then first of importance is their ability to communicate effectively, plan for the required result, be flexible in operations, be able to take a risk, and while executing any project, focus on the process, not just the goal. The examined leadership skills metrics to be used by construction stakeholders as a motivational tool for construction managers in Anambra State for increased productivity and retention of construction employees.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v40.1.5567
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