Analysis of Leading Economic Sector Development in Tebing Tinggi City
The aim of the research is to analyze the development of leading economic sector in Tebing Tinggi. The method of analysis used in this research is klassen typology analysis, LQ analysis. The result showed that the economic potential of Tebing Tinggi City based on LQ analysis during the period of 2012-2016 shows that there are 13 (thirteen) base sectors in Tebing Tinggi City with LQ> 1, 1) Government Administration, Defense and Social Security Compulsory, 2) Educational Services, 3) Water Supply, Waste Management, Waste and Recycling, 4) Other Services, 5) Real Estate, 6) Provision of Accommodation and Drinking, 7) Transportation and Warehousing, 8) Financial Services and Insurance , 9) Electricity and Gas Procurement, 10) Health Services, 11) Construction, 12) Large & Retail Trade, Car & Motorcycle Repairs, and 13) Information and Communication.
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