The Effect of Strength Based Parenting Mediated by Emotion Regulation on Adolescent Delinquent Intentions

Anita Aprilia Sinulingga, Raras Sutatminingsih, Debby Anggraini Daulay


Strength-based parenting is a parenting approach that focuses on identifying and developing children's strengths. Parents who apply strength-based parenting tend to have teenagers with a high awareness of their potential and positive character. In the next stage of development, this will enable adolescents to use their strengths to face challenges, rather than getting trapped in delinquent behavior. This study aims to examine the effect of strength-based parenting on delinquency intention, with emotion regulation as the mediator. A total of 418 adolescents from 3 high schools in Medan City were selected as research subjects using simple random sampling method to collect data on strength based parenting, emotion regulation, and delinquency intention. Structural Equation Model (SEM) was used as a data analysis method. The results showed that strength based parenting did not affect delinquency intentions, but it had a positive and significant effect on emotion regulation, and emotion regulation had a negative and significant effect on delinquency intention. Emotional regulation fully mediated the relationship between strength based parenting and adolescent delinquency intentions.This study contributes to understanding the factors that influence adolescent delinquency intentions and provides insights for parents, teachers, and the community to focus on optimizing adolescent strength and emotional regulation abilities to prevent them from engaging in delinquent behavior.


Strength Based Parenting, Emotion Regulation, Delinquent Intentions

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