Pollution Effect Of Painted End-Of-Life Tires On Water Resources: Case Study Of Landscape Applications

Sezen Coskun, Candan Kuş Şahin


Reuse of End-of-Life Tires (ELT), especially in architectural applications or landscape areas, is highly preferred today. At the same time, waste tires are used to prevent collisions on the side surfaces of boats in recreational areas such as lakes. Being able to be painted in the desired color for open space design is also a great advantage for quality and cost-effective projects. However, some toxic pollutants can also be released by leaching from whole, wrinkled or granular ELT-based products. In this study research conducted on acrylic spray-painted whole size ELT to evaluate general leaching characteristics under two different water sources. The small variety found for pH in both experimental conditions (0.10 to 0.24 for lake water and 0.17 to 0.40 for ornamental pool water). The electrical conductivity (EC), Total Dissolved Solid (TDS) and Salinity were found to be constantly increases as soaking continue for both type of water. However, the highest EC value of 585 μs, TDS value of 430 ppm and Salinity value of 0.30 ppt were observed with ornamental pool water treatment conditions. A similar trend was also observed for turbidity, as leaching in progress which is continuously increased. It is reasonable to hypothesized that landscape applications (ornamental pool, landscape pool or parks) water is potentially more aging effects on acrylic painted ELT rather than lake water. As a result, the reuse of painted ELT's in open recreation areas, boats on the lake and parks will increase the risk of pollution of water resources.


painted end of the life tire, landscape application, water pollution, turbidity, hardness of tire

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v39.2.5485


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