Increasing the Activities and Competencies of Learning Science through Problem Based Learning Modelto Class VIII Junior High School 1 Telukdalam

Murnihati Sarumaha, Lufri .


The purpose of this study to improve the quality of learning so in this study appliedmodel of learning Problem Based Learning to improve the activities and learning competencies of learners on learning science. The type of research used is Classroom Action Research (PTK). This study was conducted in two cycles, each cycle consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The subjects of the study were students of class VIIIa SMPN 1 Telukdalam which amounted to 34 people. This research data is obtained through observation sheet, and daily test. The data of this research are analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative data analysis.

The results showed that the model of Problem Based Learning learning can improve the competence and learning activities of learners. Aspects of knowledge on prasiklus number of students who complete 23.53%. In the first cycle increased to reach 61.76%. In the second cycle also increased to reach 79.41%. For the average attitude competence on prasiklus reached 1.64 with less predicate, in the first cycle reached 2.17 with predicate enough, on the second cycle reached 2.97 with good predicate. For the average competence of students skill in prasiklus reached 2.05 with enough predicate, in the first cycle has increased to 2.71 with good predicate, in the second cycle also increased by 3.39 with good predicate. Then, for the percentage of learners activity on prasiklus reach 30,88% with criterion good enough, in cycle I reach 49,01% with good enough criterion, in cycle II reach 74,03% with good criterion. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the model of learning Problem Based Learning can increase the activity and competence learners learn.


Learning Competency, Learning Activity,ModelProblem Based Learning

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