The Development of Student Worksheet Based on Scientific Approach on Environmental Pollution Topic For Junior High School Student Grade VII

Dwi Putri Julianti, Ramadhan Sumarmin


This research was conducted to develop a student worksheet based on scientific approach on environmental pollution. Student Worksheet validated by experts and tested on students and teacher. The purpose of this study was to see the results of activity and response learners. The study was conducted in SMPN 31 Padang by using quantitative research methods research and development (R&D). The development procedure used in this research is Thiagarajan Model or 4-D Model which consists of four stages: define, design, development, and disseminate. The data of this study are primary data obtained from the validity and practicality sheet, and analyzed by descriptive analysis. Student Worksheet based on the developed scientific approach has been validated by experts and practitioners and has been revised to obtain a feasible outcome. The results showed that learning tools based on scientific approach are valid and practical. Based on the research that has been done, it has resulted Student Worksheet based on scientific approach on environmental pollution material for students of SMP class VII valid with average 3,60 and practical with average 3,40 by teacher and 3,52 by learner. Thus it can be concluded that Student Worksheet based scientific approach on environmental pollution topic for students of SMP class VII have very valid and practical criteria.


Worksheet, Scientific Approach, 4-D Model, And Activities.

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