Analysis the Effect of Brand Equity, Product Quality, and After-Sales Service on Customer Satisfaction through Purchasing Decisions at PTA Company

Hery Kuswanto, Amir Tengku Ramly, Joko Rizkie Widokarti


From several diverse dimensions there are other factors that influence customer satisfaction through purchasing decisions and implicitly and explicitly but from some of these factors, The main coverage of variables according to the topic of discussion so that they can be processed from valid reference sources and determined what is considered for the direction of this research objective. Analyze and examine the variables of brand equity, product quality and after-sales service on customer satisfaction through purchasing decisions so that in comparison, knowing the influence (cause and effect), significance and correlation between the variables studied that are ultimately able to increase the company revenue with existing tactics and strategies. Quantitative methods are research strategies based on the ideology of positivism applied to a specific population or sample, data collection techniques are carried out with quantitative / statistical research tools. The quantitative approach seeks to test the presumption. Quantitative approaches take the form of numerical results obtained from measurements made using scales for research variables. Comparative research methodology is also used in this study. It has gotten 150 Sampling responder with Likert interval scale. Using SmartPLS software to obtain result. The effect of brand equity on customer satisfaction (T value 3.280 and P Value 0.001) and the effect brand equity to customer satisfaction through purchasing decisions (T value 5.055 and P Value 0.000), have a significant positive correlation and effect. The effect of product quality on customer satisfaction (T value 3.847and P Value 0.000) and the effect of product quality on customer satisfaction through consumer purchasing decisions (T value 2.770 and P Value 0.006) have a significant positive correlation and effect. The effect of after-sales service on customer satisfaction (T value 2.546 and P Value 0.011) and the effect of after-sales service on customer satisfaction through consumer purchasing decisions (T value 3.425 and P Value 0.001) have a significant positive correlation and. The effect of customer satisfaction on purchasing decisions (T value 2.764 and P Value 0.006 have a significant positive correlation and effect. The customer satisfaction index through this tool and trending data has increased even though it did not reach the target expected by the company. All variables are influential and significant on exogenous variables and endogenous variables. In conducting this research, the author realizes that there are still limitations and shortcomings that need to be developed in the future, so far this research can at least answer the background of the problems raised.

Keywords: Brand equity, product quality, after-sales service, net promoter score, Smartpls, exogenous, endogenous


Brand equity, product quality, after-sales service, net promoter score, Smartpls, exogenous, endogenous

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