The Congolese Government and its Performance in Cultural and Political Matters: 1960-2021, Assessment and Perspectives
The sixties were marked by independence in Africa. During this period, several events took place. The original institutions have been confirmed. A French-speaking space was created: the Agency for Cultural and Technical Cooperation, which later became the IOF. The latter is nowadays equipped with several structures of which the Congo has been a member since 1981. This gathering of French-speaking countries on a cultural basis has imposed the establishment of a rule of law in the various member countries. In its space, the OIF promotes the values of democracy, human rights and sustainable development. Political and cultural issues have been major concerns within the OIF. The qualitative and quantitative transformation of human resources remains essential to the development of the country. Concerning the political domain, since 1991, the Republic of Congo has been engaged in a transition towards multiparty democracy and a market economy. This transition was compromised during the 1990s by the succession of civil conflicts, to a large extent between militias of different ethnicities. The country only emerged from civil wars in 2000, when it began the process of reconciliation and reconstruction, a process well advanced but still unfinished. These two sectors require the establishment of viable strategies for greater success.
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