National Character Development and Character Education in Schools Malaysia

Erik Aprilian Donesia, Pujo Widodo, Herlina Juni Risma Saragih, Panji Suwarno, Widodo Widodo


ABSTRACK - Character building in schools in Malaysia has been carried out since the British colonial period. The rapid economic growth in Malaysia has brought about changes in the structure of society and its behavior, which has resulted in character education becoming a mandatory lesson to anticipate social change and the implementation of character education in schools for students. Starting in the 1980s, sixteen pure values were introduced, understood by students, and became the main theme for teachers, which is applied in various lessons and aspects of life. Education must be based on core values rooted in social life. Basic education has implemented character education both in curriculum and educational practice. Educational institutions responsible for developing and implementing education of national character in order to promote national civilization. The purpose of this research is to analyze the development of character education in the school curriculum in Malaysia. This type of research is qualitative research using the descriptive analysis method of literature study.



Character building, Character education, Malaysian Education, National Character

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