Model Airship As A Transportation Mode In Jabodetabek To Overcome Congestion Using CFD

Shidqi Divreda Sulaeman, Sovian Aritonang, Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin, Gita Amperiawan, Imanuel Dindin


This research is motivated by the traffic congestion problem in Indonesia, specifically in Jakarta. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the population of Jakarta as of September 2021 is estimated to be 10.61 million people per year. This is an increase of 0.45% compared to the previous year, which had a population of 10.56 million. Road users in Jakarta are divided into four types of motor vehicles: passenger cars, buses, trucks, and motorcycles. According to data collected by the BPS, there are 21.7 million vehicles in Jakarta. Referring to previous research titled "The Potential of Using Airships to Support Development in an Efficient and Environmentally Friendly Manner" (Subagyo, 2011), the authors aim to explore the potential of using airships as a solution to mass transportation congestion. Currently, researchers are looking for solutions to the congestion in Jakarta. In this paper, the authors aim to contribute to finding the best solution to the current problem by providing input on the use of air accommodation using balloons. Specifically, the authors are using the Airlander 10 type balloon being developed in Hamburg. In order to achieve this goal, this research aims to conduct an analysis of the aerodynamics of the platform design using computational fluid dynamics. In order to achieve this goal, this research uses a quantitative method as a calculation of the aerodynamics of the airship combined with the Parent Design Approach method. This approach produces the characteristics of the airship currently in operation. Therefore, the authors would like to present this research to the city of Jakarta as an alternative solution to the traffic congestion problem itself.


Aerodynamics, Airship, Computational Fludia Design

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