Management Of National Resources Potential In The Context Of Supporting The State Defense

Herwist Simanjuntak, Pujo Widodo, Herlina Juni Risma Saragih, Panji Suwarno, Achmed Sukendro


National defense is organized to defend state sovereignty, the territorial integrity of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, and the safety of the entire nation from threats and disturbances to the integrity of the nation and state. In preparing the national defense, it is necessary to manage national resources by increasing the potential and capacity of the national defense force through human resources, natural/artificial resources, and infrastructure. The literature study was conducted to understand the utilization of national resources in supporting national defense. The various problems faced make the management of national resources complex. The results of the literature study are expected so that in the future the government can utilize the enormous potential contained in the potential human resources prepared early on to strengthen the main components, natural/man-made resources, with effective and efficient use to support national defense and national facilities and infrastructure for the benefit of welfare and at the same time be utilized for the benefit of national defense. National resources can be utilized in a totally directed and integrated manner to support the interests of national defense.


National Resources, Management, National Defense, Potential

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