Validity of Interactive Learning Multimedia on Biology Learning Material of Coordination System for Grade XII Senior High School Students

Nella Muthmaini, Azwir Anhar, Zulyusri .


Biology learning is expected to be a mean to learn self, environment and advance development prospects in daily lives. Beside that, it can serve biological objects from molecules level to individual level, even to ecosystem level and life in universe. Therefore, it needs to optimize learning media to help students learn Biology besides the use of books or teachers’ explanation. Purpose of the research was to explain interactive multimedia validity, practicality and effectivity about Biology learning material for grade XI Senior High School students. This research was a developmental research by using Plomp design. The model is consisted of three phases, which are preliminary research phase, development or prototype phase, and assessment phase. Instruments of data collection were validity sheets, practicality sheet by teachers and students, observation sheets, and objective test. Techniques of data analysis were Kolmogrof Smirnov test to normality test, Levene test to homogeneity test and T-test to hypothesis test. The finding showed that multimedia got score of 81%, which is in very valid criteria. The result of teacher’s practicality test was 90.60% and students’ practicality test was 89.21%. It means multimedia is in very practical category. The result of multimedia effectivity test in cognitive, affective and psychomotor competences showed that the developed multimedia was in very effective criteria. In addition, students’ cognitive, affective and psychomotor competences used interactive multimedia were better than students’ competences which did not use interactive multimedia


Validity, Interactive Multimedia, Learning

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