Health Locus Of Control And Health Behaviour Among Female Students And Employees In A Nigerian Tertiary Institution



The study examined the role of health locus of control and health behaviours on women's health.   400 female respondents were recruited employing convenient sampling between ages 18 - 60 years at Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria. The questionnaire consisted of socio-demographic variables, the adapted version of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale, and the Health Behaviour Scale. The study assessed the associations between the dimensions of HLOC and health behaviour among women in the institution. Chi-square analysis revealed a significant relationship among the students, academic staff, and non-academic staff population on the internal locus of control scale (X2 (2) 7.4565, p < 0.02). There was also a significant relationship among the two subscales of external locus of control; powerful others      (X2 (2) 6.3818, p < 0.04) and chance (X2 (2) 17.6865, p < 0.00) respectively. Health Enhancing Behaviour was also found to be significant among the population (X2 (2) 9.4420, p < 0.01).  The study concluded that health locus of control and health behaviour had a significant role in women's predisposition towards their health issues.


health locus of control, internal/external locus of control, health behaviour

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