The Role of Gender on the Effects of Product Quality Attributes and eWOM on Tourist Visit Decision and Revisit Intention: Agro-Tourism in Aceh

Abdul Muzammil, Safrika Safrika, M. Ridha Siregar, T. Meldi Kesuma


One of the tourism sectors that is currently emerging and becoming a trend in Aceh is agro-industrial tourism in the agricultural and plantation sectors or commonly referred to as agro-tourism. Aceh has quite extraordinary potential to develop this agro-industry-based tourism considering that Aceh has agricultural and plantation land that is quite extensive and fertile. This study aims to analyze how the product quality attributes and eWOM influence the visiting decision of tourists and then its impact on the intention to return to the original place after experiencing the experience of traveling and compare the results based on gender. This study combines two research methods, namely descriptive and quantitative. This study was conducted on 330 tourist that come to visit agro-tourism in Aceh. The sample taken by using purposive sampling technique and the sample data were statistically analyzed using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with second order method and Multiple Group Analysis (MGA) for analysis of gender. Overall, the results showed that product quality attributes and eWOM significantly effects tourist visit decision and revisit intention, and tourist visit decision also significantly effects revisit intention. Based on gender, the analysis results show that male and female are very different. The analysis results show that product quality attributes variable on tourist visit decisions and the effect of eWOM toward tourist visit decisions and revisit intention for male are not significant


Product Quality Attributes; eWOM; Tourist Visit Decision; Revisit Intention.

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