Social Relations and Knowledge Sharing in the Virtual Community of Practice among Farmers in Brebes District, Central Java, Indonesia

Ahmad Badari Burhan, Djuara P. Lubis, Rilus A. Kinseng, Andi M. Faisal Bakti


Due to the aggregation of common interests and concerns, digital information and communication technology (ICT) applications used by farmers can build virtual communities of practice (VCoP). This study aims to identify farmers’ level of access to digital ICT applications, social capital (SC), social power relations (SPR), and knowledge sharing (KS) in the VCoP. It will also examine the causal relationship between exogenous and endogenous constructs. This study involved the participation of 221 farmers as smartphone users in Brebes District, Central Java Province, Indonesia. It used survey methods with questionnaire instruments and multistage clustered random sampling techniques. It assessed causal relationship models between constructs using SmartPLS 3 software. The study identified disparities in the level of access to digital ICT applications. The farmers who perceived SC and SPR at moderate and high levels were more than 75 per cent and 85 per cent, consecutively. Other farmers perceived KS in VCoP at low levels (average 29 percent) and moderate levels (average 48 per cent). Path analysis shows that concerning access to digital ICT applications, the effects are significant and positive on SC and SPR; SC affects KS in VCoP significantly and positively; access to digital ICT applications significantly and positively influences KS in VCoP. However, despite the direction being positive, the effects of SPR on the KS in VCoP are not significant. Variations in values in the latent variables' access to digital ICT applications, SC, and SPR can explain the variation in the latent variable knowledge sharing by 36 percent.


access, capital, ICTs, power, smartphones

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