Broiler Performance Index Based on Strains, Commercial Ration and Their Interaction

Muhammad Basir Paly


Abstract; This work was aimed to evaluate strain and commercial rations (CR) as well as their interaction (strain*CR) toward broiler performance index (PI). 90 day old chicks (DOC) from each strain (Ross, Cobb and Hybro) were deployed in this work, thus the broiler total were 270.  In addition 3 different commercial rations (CR) as follows; CR-A, CR-B, and CR-C were used in this work. Completely randomized design was applied with factorial 3x3 on 3 repetitions.  Randomly broilers were put in 27 cages 1x1 meter. Each cage consist 10 broilers and equipped with water and feed container. The broilers were raised up to 35 days, feed and water available adlibitum.  Brooder, vaccination and vitamin were evenly given to the broilers in the 27 cages. Measured variables were broiler proportion, ration consumed, and weight average, then it converted to PI. Data were analyzed with univariate via SPSS 21 software. Results showed that strain; CR and interaction between strain and CR was significant toward IP. Further test showed that strain Ross has highest IP the followed by Cobb and Hybro. Meanwhile highest PI on CR was CR-C then followed by CR-A and CR-B. This study concludes there was linkage between certain strain and CR. 


Keyword: broiler, strain, commercial ration, performance index


Keyword: broiler, strain, commercial ration, performance index

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