The Efforts Of The Indonesian Government To Guarantee Maritime Security In Cross Country Through Cooperation With The Police Of The Republic Of Indonesia (Polri) And The Police Of The Kingdom Of Malaysia (PDRM)

Muhamad Fajar Romdhon, Surya Wiranto, Yusnaldi Yusnaldi, Pujo Widodo, Herlina Juni Risma Saragih, Panji Suwarno


Maritime security in transnational issue is a major concern for the Indonesian government. The government's efforts to maintain maritime security are carried out through cooperation between the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) and the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM). This paper aims to analyze the Indonesian government's efforts to maintain maritime security in transnational through the cooperation of POLRI and PDRM. This research uses descriptive qualitative by collecting data through a literature study. The results of the study show that the Indonesian government's efforts to maintain maritime security in transnational waters through the cooperation of POLRI and PDRM are carried out by increasing patrols and surveillance, increasing intelligence cooperation, and increasing personnel capacity. However, there are still several obstacles, such as financial, facility, and coordination problems, that need to be overcome in order to maintain maritime security in transnational issue. The Indonesian government's efforts to maintain maritime security in transnational issue through cooperation between the National Police and PDRM are positive steps that need to be continuously supported and improved. This collaboration has had a positive impact on both countries and the surrounding region in maintaining maritime security from transnational crimes. The Indonesian government's efforts to address this issue are commendable, and further improvements can be made by addressing the challenges and obstacles identified in this study.


Maritime Security, Cross-Country, Cooperation, POLRI, PDRM.

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