Mapping Competency Candidate of TKI with MCDM Method for Standardization of Work Feasibility

Deden Prayitno


Candidate Indonesian labour (TKI) who will be dispatched abroad is the object of this research.
The aim of this research is to improve the quality of decision making in selecting the prospective migrant workers who will be dispatched abroad, so that every worker who will be dispatched has certainly have good ability in all things.Various breakthroughs to minimize emerging problems continue, but still to this day various problems arise, including the threat of capital punishment against migrant workers in Malaysia, as well as in Saudi Arabia. The problem that often exists is the number of PJTKI that manipulate the data of migrant workers, whether age, issuing ID cards, certification of expertise, insurance. Integrated information systems, both public and private providers, can minimize the emergence of the above mentioned problems,  information systems for online and integrated decision-making support, with access to a centralized database, and this will facilitate control in all the elements related to the bureaucracy of TKI. this research is to make the decision support system of the feasibility of TKI abroad by using MCDM (multiple criteria decision making) with Promethee method which can generate weighting sequence from the complete parameter number which resulted in rank order of prospective migrant workers, from the highly prepared to the less ready so that the government can ensure the properness of a TKi can be departed abroad with the completeness of good administrative requirements, so as to minimize problems that often arise in TKI and provide convenience to the government to conduct administrative supervision in an integrated, both during preparation, departure and placement outside country.

Keywords : TKI, MCDM, Promethee, BNP2TKI, Ranking


TKI, MCDM, Promethee, BNP2TKI, Ranking

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