Optimization of the Flour Formulation of Crispy Fried Soft Shell Crab Products using the Mixture Design Method

Teuku Muamar Indra Akbarsyah, Aef Permadi, Hari Eko Irianto


Crispy fried soft-shelled crab products are soft-shelled crabs that are coated with flour and then fried and dried until crispy. The type and formulation of flour used greatly influences the level of crispiness of crispy products. This research aims to determine the best flour formulation as a result of optimization for crispy fried soft-shelled crab products. The research method employed was the mixture design and de Garmo methods. The test parameters in this study were the hedonic sensory evaluation by 10 trained panelists, the significant difference test, and the productivity test which were carried out in 3 replicates. The results showed that optimization of flour formulations could improve the sensory quality of crispy fried soft-shelled crab products. The flour optimization treatment had a significant effect on the parameters of appearance, texture, crispiness and overall acceptability (p-value <0.05), while the optimization treatment did not have a significant effect on the parameters of taste, smell and color ((p-value> 0.05 The best optimized flour formulation for crispy fried soft shell crab products has a composition of 72.5% wheat flour, 10% rice flour and 17.5% cornstarch with a productivity value of 0.86


Fried Soft Shell Crab; Flour Formulation; Mixture Design

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v37.2.5164


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