Analysis of Elementary, Middle and High School Gross Enrollment Rates (APK) in the Villages and Sub-Districts Surrounding the Dramaga IPB Campus

Danang Aria Nugroho, A. Faroby Faletehan, Sofyan Sjaf


One of the important roles of tertiary institutions is to contribute to the surrounding environment through community service. IPB University as a State Educational Institution is expected to be able to contribute to the surrounding environment, especially the 12 villages around the IPB campus. The research objective was to determine the level of gross enrollment rate (APK) both at the elementary, junior high and high school levels in the villages around the IPB campus. GER is the simplest indicator to measure the absorption of the school-age population at each level. The benchmark for the success of education lies in its implementation. The population of this study were all residents aged 7-18 years who live in 12 villages around the IPB campus. This research was conducted using quantitative methods using descriptive analysis of percentages. The research data collection method was carried out by means of village data collection which synthesized census, spatial and community participation approaches through the precision village data method. This method places the unit of analysis for families and individuals in the Rukun Warga-RW as the smallest regional unit in the village. The gross enrollment rate (APK) in the 12 villages/sub-districts surrounding the IPB campus in general, the highest gross enrollment rate is at the junior high school level. Of the 12 villages/sub-districts surrounding the IPB campus, there are 6 villages whose APK grades for elementary school education levels are still below 75%, namely Benteng Village, Cihideung Ilir Village, Bantarjaya Village, West Semplak Village, Balumbang Jaya Village and Situ Gede Village. At the junior high school level, only one village had an APK score of less than 75%, namely Neglasari Village, while at the senior high school level there were 4 villages namely Neglasari Village, Sinarsari Village, Cibanteng Village and Balumbang Jaya Village. By using the Village Clusterization analysis around the IPB campus based on the gross enrollment rate similarity in GER levels of 12 villages, it is known that cluster 1 with GER SD and GER SMP is lower than the average and GER SMP scores are higher than the average. In cluster 2, the average GER for SD is higher than the average, while the GER for SMP and SMA is lower than the average, while in cluster 3, the average GER for SD is lower than the average and the GER for SMP and SMA is higher. higher than the average consists of 6 Villages. By carrying out a clustering analysis of villages around the IPB campus based on GER, it will be able to help understand the different characteristics of GER in these villages according to each cluster. So that it can assist in planning programs and policies aimed at increasing educational participation in the ring villages

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