Schoology As A Learning Management System For Teaching And Learning In Rivers State Tertiary Institutions
Schoology's potential as a learning management system for teaching and learning at Rivers State Tertiary Institutions was examined in this study. To direct the investigation, three research questions and three hypotheses were developed and tested. Descriptive survey design was the method used for the investigation. The population of the study consisted of 215 year two students from the department of curriculum studies and instructional technology at Ignatius Ajuru University of Education and 170 year two students from the department of computer science at Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic. 150 respondents were selected as a sample from two tertiary institutions in Rivers State. To obtain the respondents' responses, the researchers used a questionnaire as their instrument. For the study, face and content validity were applied, and a reliability coefficient of 0.67 was found. The mean, standard deviation, and z test statistics were used to present, evaluate, and interpret the data obtained from the respondents, with an alpha level of 0.05. The study's findings showed that schoology promotes instructional activities both in traditional classroom settings and in online learning environments. It also improves students' learning options and gives them more flexibility over when and how they learn. The study suggested, among other things, that teachers adapt the platform to their students' needs and create engaging projects to add variation to online learning. It was also recommended that teachers can upload resources, start group projects and conversations, annotate and evaluate, and create relevant tests with a fair amount of ease also teachers and school officials can keep crucial materials in group folders that anybody can access for assistance.
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