Embryo Development of Ospheronemus gouramy Lac With Young Coconut Cocos Nucifera L Water Immersion

Syofriani Syofriani, Hafrijal Syandri, Azrita Azrita


The interaction between genetic and environmental factors influences the development process of the embryo and also determines various individual characteristics. Using coconut water as a diluent for goldfish spermatozoa, because coconut water can be used as an energy source for spermatozoa. This study aimed to analyze the effect of immersing gouramy eggs with young head water on embryo development. This research was conducted at the Freshwater Hatchery of Marine and Fishery Polytechnic, Pariaman from November 2022 to December 2022. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 3 replications. The treatment used as the research subject was the concentration of immersing young coconut water : without immersing young coconut water (P0); 15 ml/L (P1); 25 ml/L (P2); 35 ml/L (P3). Observational data on embryo development were analyzed descriptively based on the results of research observations. The data is presented in pictures and the results of the description are referred to using relevant references. The results of this study concluded that the addition of young coconut water to the process of hatching gouramy eggs gave more significant results in the P3 treatment with a dose of 35 ml/l of young coconut water, namely the embryonic cell division process was faster than other treatments.


coconut water; gouramy eggs; embryonic

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v37.2.5089


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