The Integration of Javanese Immigrants with Malayan Society in Riau Province: Peace and Cultural Values

Newman Sango, Ichsan Malik, I Gede Sumertha KY


Transmigration is outlined in Article 4 of Law No. 15 of 1997 concerning transmigration in Indonesia. There are cases of social conflicts due to cultural differences between indigenous people and migrants, in this case, the Javanese and the Malayan, in Riau Province, one of the transmigration destinations. Practically speaking, this social integration process is tainted by conflict and violence. This study examines the tolerant cultural values of native Malays and Javanese migrants in Riau Province. Acculturation is the taking on or acceptance of one or more cultural traits as a result of coming into contact with two or more different cultural traits that are related to or cross paths with one another. This study used a qualitative research method with a descriptive research design that combined an interviewing strategy with a literature review. The findings of this study suggest that smart government policies and mutual support between the two cultures are key factors in the achievement of cultural inculcation in Riau Province.

Keywords: Integration, Javanese, Riau Province, Transmigration


Integration, Javanese, Riau Province, Transmigration

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