The Roles of Principal Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Work Environment on Job Satisfaction of Junior High School Teachers

Agus Heriana, Ferryal Abadi


The efforts to improve the quality of education must be carried out comprehensively and continuously, one of the determinants of the quality of education in Indonesia is the quality of teachers. This study was conducted to explore the relationship between the role of leadership, organizational culture, and work environment on the job satisfaction of teachers in junior high schools in Indonesia. This quantitative research began in June 2022, where data was collected through the distribution of online questionnaires using Google Forms to 100 respondents who were teachers at the junior high school level. Data analysis was performed using Smart PLS software. The results showed that leadership had a positive effect on organizational culture and job satisfaction. A strong organizational culture will increase job satisfaction and a good and conducive work environment will affect the level of job satisfaction. The research implication is that the principal's role is not only direct and mobilize teachers in the education unit but also to pay attention to all elements in the organization including human resources, making clear regulations, good attitudes to provide high job satisfaction for existing teachers. at the school he leads.


Leadership, Organizational Culture, Work Environment, Job Satisfaction

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