The Role of Indonesian Naval Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific Region as Indonesia's Maritime Strategy in Supporting National Defense
Over the past few years, the use of the term "Indo-Pacific" has become increasingly common in strategic discussions. The Indo-Pacific is a region that is at the crossroads of international trade so that it has a very strategic value as a regional geopolitical center. In addition to its strategic value, the Indo-Pacific region also has high threat dynamics. The complexity of these threats is represented in the US-China rivalry, maritime disputes, the LTS issue, and the arm race in the region, which both directly and indirectly can pose a threat to regional stability. Indonesia, with its strategic location, has an interest in maintaining regional security stability through a regional cooperation framework. The vast area of Indonesian waters also causes Indonesia to be able to use a soft power approach through the implementation of the Navy's diplomatic role as an effort to support national defense and maintain the sovereignty of Indonesian territorial waters. In the midst of the increasingly complex dynamics of threats in the Indo-Pacific region, the Indonesian Navy carries out its diplomatic role as a national maritime strategy and an effort to support the creation of regional security and stability. This article uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The theories used are national defense theory, maritime strategy, threat theory and naval diplomacy. There are four important points elaborated in the discussion including: Threat dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region, the Concept of Indo-Pacific Regional Cooperation, Indonesia's Maritime Doctrine, and the Role of Indonesian Naval Diplomacy in the Indo-Pacific Region.
Keywords: Naval Diplomacy, Maritime Strategy, Threats, Indo-Pacific, National Defense, Regional Stability.
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