The Influence of Job Demands and Personal Resources on Employee Well Being of Contract Employees at Meuraxa General Hospital

Cut Aya Riadhah, Zulkarnain Zulkarnain, Sherry Hadiyani


Employees are an asset as well as an investment in organization. Organizations that invest in employee well-being can increase resilience, employee engagement, and productivity. This study aims to determine the effect of job demands and personal resources on employee well-being. The participants in this research totaled 221 employees at Meuraxa General Hospital. The measuring instrument in this study uses the scale of employee well-being, job demands, and personal resources. The data obtained were analyzed using multiple regression analysis techniques. The results significant effect of job demands and personal resources on employee well-being The implication of this research is helped the hospital management to maintain or improve employee well-being by consider personal characteristics and job demands. 


Job demands, personal resources, employee well being, contract employee, general hospital

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