Factors Affecting The Implementation Of Village Fund Policy In Marawola Subdistrict, SIGI Regency

Isbon Pageno, Syamsul Bachri, Hasbullah Hasbullah, Hartawan Hartawan


The main objective of this study is to review and analyze the implementation of village fund policies and influencing factors such as communication factors, resources, implementing attitudes (dispositions), and bureaucratic structures. Therefore, the theory used is the public policy implementation model developed by Edwards III (1980:10).

This study used the design of the Explanatory Sequential mixed method (Creswell, 2016: 299) with an emphasis on quantitative methods. The population of this study is all managers and communities involved in the implementation of the village fund program in Marawola sub-district. Sample determination was carried out using a stratified sampling technique with a total number of samples of 105 people. The data analysis used was multiple lenear regression analysis with a significant level of 5%.  

The results showed that the implementation of the village fund policy in Marawola sub-district has not been carried out properly as expected. The conditions for the implementation of such a village fund policy cannot be separated from the influence of communication factors, resources, implementing attitudes (dispositions), and bureaucratic structures.   From the results of the statistical test, a multiple correlation (R) value of 0.956 was obtained, showing the strong relationship between the influence of communication, resources, executive attitudes (dispositions), and bureaucratic structures on the implementation of village fund policies. The strength of this relationship is also supported by the value of the coefficient of determination (Adjusted R Square) = 0.910. This means that 91.0% of the variation in village fund policy implementation variables can be explained by variations in communication variables, resources, implementing attitudes, and bureaucratic structures. The formed regression model is formulated with the equation : Y = -0.369 + 0.326 X1 + 0.270 X2 + 0.293 X3 + 0.239 X4. This regression model has met the BLUE (Best Linear Unbiased Estimator) criteria so that it can be used to predict (estimate) the implementation of village fund policies in Marawola district. Simultaneously communication, resources, attitudes of implementers (dispositions), and bureaucratic structures have a strong and significant effect on the implementation of village fund policies. Partially, communication variables have a dominant influence on the implementation of village fund policies with a regression coefficient value of 0.326


Communication, resources, attitudes of implementers (dispositions), bureaucratic structures, and implementation of village fund policies.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v36.2.4995


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