Performance of Asphalt Coated Concrete Flexible Pavement (AC-WC) using Bottom Ash and Natural Asphalt Lawele Granular Asphalt (LGA)

Yogie Risdianto, Nur Andajani


The construction of new roads and the maintenance of existing roads in Indonesia require large amounts of bituminous materials and aggregates. Given the high price of bitumen imported from other countries, encouraging the use of local natural asphalt, which is commonly called asbuton, Utilization of natural materials like Lawele Granular Alphat (LGA) and bottom ash as aggregate substitutes can contribute well to the environment. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of using Asbuton Lawele Granular Asphalt and bottom ash as aggregate substitutions in the manufacture of Asphalt Concrete Wear Coarse (AC-WC). To achieve this goal, 3 variations of the mixed design were made, namely variations of control aggregates, variations of LGA, and variations of bottom ash. Each sample was then tested based on Marshall parameters. From the research results, it was found that the optimal asphalt content (KAO) for the LGA variation was 4.20% and the bottom ash variation was 5.7% with a stability value of 1495.0 kg; flow 3.47 mm; VIM 3.77%; VMs 14.78%; VFA 74.51%; and MQ 435.8 kg/mm. Reviewing the results of this study, it is necessary to carry out further studies to determine the durability and extract LGA before planning the asphalt concrete mix wear layer (AC-WC).


AC-WC, Bottom Ash, Lawele Granular Asphalt (LGA), Fly Ash, Parameter Marshall

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