Women Farmer Participation Level In Household Income And The Influence On Family Consumption
This study aims to explain (1) internal characteristics that influence the level of participation of women farmer groups in household income and family consumption, (2) external characteristics that influence the level of women farmer group participation in household income and family consumption, (3) the participation level of women farmer groups on household income and family consumption, and also (4) to create a model that will show the participation level of WFG in the household income and family consumption The population of the research was 98 women farmers in 5 Women Farmer Groups (WFG) found under the supervision of the Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Forestry Extension Agency (BP3K) in Cibungbulang Subdistrict, Bogor Regency. Samples were selected by census method from all the constituents of the WFGs. The WFGs were chosen from all available farmer groups under the supervision of the Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Forestry Extension Agency (BP3K) in Cibungbulang based on their extensive activities and the success in producing home industry items from the available agricultural produce. Data were collected using the survey method. Both primary and secondary data were collected. The research showed that a majority of the WFG members were middle-aged, possessed an elementary education or none at all, the income generated from or outside the farmer group activities was a low average at below IDR 100,000, their length of marriage was between 18 - 35 years, their length of membership was relatively short motivated by the need to increase capital or increase income. The majority of the WFG members could access information twice a month, allocating more than 5 hours per day, had extension sessions less than three times in six months, and the marketing of agribusiness produce was through via the group, middleman, and at small kiosks. The women farmers engaged in two agriculture activities, preharvest and harvest /postharvest. In addition, they had other side jobs. The volume of rice consumed as a staple food is low at < 240 kg per annum; however, consumption of other food sources such as vegetables, high-protein vegetables, and meat protein was high. The proposed model was deemed fit based on an index count and can be recommended.
Keywords: women farmer participation, household income, family consumption style
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v36.2.4982
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