Community Structure Of Plankton In Pieh Island Aquatic Tourism Park Area, West Sumatra

Ashvia Nur Ilyosa, Nofrita Nofrita, Indra Junaidi Zakaria


Abstract-This research was conducted from January to September 2022. This study aims to determine the community structure of plankton in the Marine Tourism Park area of Pieh Island, West Sumatra. The study used roaming methods, and sampling was determined by purposive sampling. Based on the research results, it was found that the highest density (13, 002 – 21, 405 ind/l) was on Pandan Island (13.002 Ind/l), the frequency of presence was found to be included in the category Occasionally present to always present, the diversity index was high with an even equability index and no species dominated. The physical and chemical characteristics of seawater in the area of Pieh Island are still supportive of plankton and fish life because they comply with the biota's living conditions and seawater quality standards.

Keywords-Plankton, community, structure.

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