Reducing Lead Time in the Wet Line of Automotive Parts Production

Adib Adib, Abdul Muzammil, Iing Pamungkas, Heri Tri Irawan, Gaustama Putra, Arrazy Elba Ridha


The goal is to identify the variables that contribute to the wet line's high lead time, including tray jams in and out of the oven dryers, operator work habits, wet line stagnation, and operator irregular jobs. Utilizing a fishbone diagram during the analyze process, the problem's root cause was discovered (Ishikawa diagram). The final step is to use 5W-1H to enhance step. Minimizing non-value-added activities and enhancing wet line throughput are the suggestions for reducing lead time. There are six recommendations: teaching the operator in the work process, creating work instructions for the wet line, changing the tray size, rearranging the quantity per tray, including the operator in the wet line, and changing the workspace. As a result of this development, the lead time of a wet line has increased significantly, from 3550 seconds to 411.63 seconds. The efficiency of the process cycle rises from 14.06% to 68%.


Fishbone Diagram; 5W-1H; Process Cycle Efficiency; Lead Time; Non-Value-Added Activity; Flow Process

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