Analysis of the Use of Youtube Content as a Medium for Communication of Government Officials
The development of information and communication technology to date has been proven by the massive level of presence of the use of new media. The purpose of this study is to determine the role of Youtube content that is used as a communication medium by government officials in delivering information with a case study through Deddy Corbuzier's Youtube content. In this study using descriptive qualitative methods, data collection techniques used are interviews, documentation, and literature study. To test the validity of the data, this study used a data analysis technique, namely triangulation. The results of this study indicate that public government officials have started to use youtube as a medium in communicating with their people, especially in this case Luhut Binsa Panjaitan uses youtube as a medium of communication in the form of clarification and strengthening of policies or issues related to the Indonesian state and the Indonesian president. However, youtube media which is used as a communication medium by government public officials is usually a youtube channel that has a lot of subscribers and has an influence on the people who watch it. One of the youtube channels is the Deddy Corbuzier channel.
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