Talking to the Different Other: Intercultural Communication through Art
Kindergarten, regardless of the cultural capital that each student has, is called to offer equal learning opportunities, promoting seamless communication between both infants and toddlers with kindergarten teachers. Recent literature suggests that kindergarten teachers should help children feel emotionally secure and encouraged to express themselves even if they do not speak Greek or do not have the same experiences as their classmates. Recognize and accept every cultural element and support the active participation of all students. Therefore, the aim of this article was to explore how art education activities contribute to the promotion of intercultural communication among preschool children from different cultural and linguistic environments, enhancing their cultural and individual identity. The literature review method has been followed for the study of the role of art in intercultural communication. Digital and conventional databases were used for the data collection. The results of the research showed that artistic activities help to strengthen the self-esteem of infants, encourage children to express their emotions, and create channels of communication. In addition, the contact with the works of art creates a climate of acceptance and respect, and recognition of the cultural identity of each student individually. Finally, through art education activities, the imagination is released, the creativity and critical thinking of infants are cultivated and relationships of interaction and cooperation are created. The research also shows the important role of kindergarten teachers in the utilization of means and techniques of art education for the promotion of intercultural communication.
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