Infiltration Pariétale De Lidocaïne Et Douleur Post-Césarienne Au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire De Gynécologie Obstetrique Befelatanana, Madagascar

José WELSON, Toky Andriamahefa RAFANOMEZANTSOA, Thierry Pierre RANDRIANAMBININA, Marié Osé Judicaël HARIOLY NIRINA, Nasolotsiry Enintsoa RAVELOSON, Hery Rakotovao ANDRIANAMPANALINARIVO


Introduction: One of the main problem to the operated patients is the fear of

uncontrolled postoperative pain.

Objective: Evaluation of Lidocaïne infiltration after cesarean section pain.

Methods: Comparative randomized study, at the University Hospital of

Gynecology and Obstetrics of Befelatanana, during 10 months, among 80 women undergoing ceasarean sectioon under spinal anesthesia. Group A (n = 40) was infiltrated

before skin closure with 400 mg of Lidocaïne and group B (n = 40) not infiltrated. We evaluated the postoperative EVA scores at H1, H2, H3, H4, H8, H12.

Results: The intensity of postoperative pain was respectively 17.3 ± 10.3 mm at H3,

23.5 ± 14.9 mm at H4, 23.3 ± 16.3 mm at H8, 17.6 ± 11. 5 mm at H12 against 30.6 ±

7.3 mm at H3, 39.6 ± 7.4 mm at H4, 40.1 ± 13.2 mm at H8, 29.1 ± 7.4 mm at H12. The dose of additional analgesic administered in group A was significantly decreased with

600 ± 744. 2 mg compared to 2000 ± 226. 45 mg for group B. The request time for

additional analgesia is on average 590. 02 ± 203. 81 minutes for group A against 237. 7

± 31. 41 minutes for group B.

Conclusion: Parietal infiltration with Lidocaïne in the management of post-caesarean pain provides a higher relief than analgesic treatment without Lidocaïne.



Analgesia, cesarean, infiltration, lidocaine, pain

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