The Influence of Clan Organizational Culture on Organizational Commitment
Covid-19 caused many companies to experience a bad impact. Therefore the company must have changes in order to maintain the company to exist. Employee readiness to change is needed so that change can go well, but to increase employee readiness to change there are several factors, one of which is the clan's organizational culture. This study was conducted to see whether there is an influence of clan organizational culture on the readiness to change employees of PT. Bank Sumut all branches in Medan. This study was conducted using 203 subjects which is all the population, and using a Likert scale to collect data. The measuring instrument used to measure clan organizational culture is based on Cameron and Quinn's theory. Meanwhile, to measure organizational commitment, this study used the organizational commitment questionnaire (OCQ) measuring instrument developed by Mowday, Steers, and Porter. OCQ has been adapted into Indonesian and then translated again into English. The results obtained through this study are that there is a positive and significant influence of clan organizational culture on organizational commitment. This means that the higher the positive perception of the clan's organizational culture, the higher the level of organizational commitment. The clan's organizational culture has an influence of 22.3% on organizational commitment.
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