The Effect Of Water Application Timings On Agro-Morphological Traits Of Roma Tomato VF Cultivar Grown Under Plastic Bottle Drip Water Irrigation System In Nyagatare District, Rwanda
The present study was aimed to assess the effect of water application timings on agro-morphological traits of Roma Tomato Vf cultivar grown under plastic bottle drip water irrigation system in Nyagatare District, Rwanda. Four treatments were used for the experiment, replicated four (4) times and arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Each replication plot contains 4 experiment units and 64 experiment units for entire experiment field of 4 plots. The results showed that for all treatments; the overall average mean plant height recorded was found to be 100.30±25.57 cm, 11±4.34 branches, 7±5.102 flowers and 48±10.462 fruits. The highest yield of 69.125 Kg/m2 and WUE of 1.040 Kg/m2/mm were recorded by T4 (Morning – Day – Evening) while the T3 (Evening) recorded the lowest yield of 65.03169.125 Kg/m2 and WUE of 0.979 Kg/m2/mm. It is therefore concluded that the use of plastic bottles under greenhouse structures in applying trickle irrigation and plastic bottles is efficiently and effectively productive and water saving for Roma tomato plant cultivation because of no water loss due to environmental factors including wind speed. It is recommended that the emitter placement around the plant (sparing between dripper and plant) should be varied to study its effects on root development, physiological plant and tomato yield components that will ultimately affect plant yield and water use efficiency
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Copyright (c) 2023 Valens Sibomana, Jean de Dieu Bazimenyera, Elias Nyandwi, Claude Kayijuka, Rose Niyonkuru, Jean Nepo Nsengiyumva, Sylivestre Habimana
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