The Involvement of Civil Society Political Participation in Participatory Supervision by Bawaslu of South Sulawesi Province in the 2019 General Election

Sufirman Sufirman, Muhammad Muhammad, Gustiana A. Kambo


General Elections in the Democratic System in Indonesia are a means of realizing people's leaders to choose to elect or their representatives, People's ownership can be realized through the political participation of the community both individually and in groups who do not participate only give their right to vote at the polling station on election day, but also participate. see to supervise at all stages of the general election so that the process of organizing elections runs by following the principles and principles of organizing elections. One of the forums for public political participation in the General Election is the participatory monitoring program of the General Elections Supervisory Board, one of which is the Citizens Forum who watched the 2019 General Election to become the Awas Forum and Desa Awas Election which consists of civil society organizations, one of the pilot projects in Massamaturu Village. In Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi Province, media participation is an effort to maintain the process and results of community-based elections by itself maintaining the sovereignty of the people themselves through supervision, prevention, socialization, and political education. Therefore, this paper aims to find out how civil society is involved in participatory supervision in general in 2019 by the Bawaslu of South Sulawesi Province in Takalar Regency and to find facts related to the model of developing and implementing participatory supervision based on civil society.


General Elections, Participatory Supervision, Political Participation, Civil Society, Bawaslu Awas Forum.

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