Organizational Citizenship Behavior in the State Civil Administration North Sumatra Provincial Health Office, Indonesia

Riswandi Koto, Vivi Gusrini Rahmadani, Sherry Hadiyani


The degree of public health based on indicators of Life Expectancy (UHH) in North Sumatra Province in 2020 is ranked 24 out of 34 Provinces nationally. This rating reflects the quality, productivity, performance, effectiveness, and achievement of the organizational goals of the North Sumatra Provincial Health Office. Achievement of productivity, performance; and organizational goals will be better if Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) thrives. This study aims to determine the level of State Civil Administration (ASN) OCB at the North Sumatra Provincial Health Office. This study was attended by 655 civil servants (78%) from a total population of 840 people. Research analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics and One-Way ANOVA. The result of the research is that OCB is in a strong category (73.1%), this shows that individual initiatives are already strong in carrying out certain actions beyond the job description, job requirements, and formal job responsibilities. This result is not very encouraging, because there are still 26.9% whose OCB is still in the moderate/sufficient category that needs to be repaired. This percentage is still quite large and has the potential to disrupt and reduce existing OCB levels. This research can be used in making policies needed to maintain and improve OCB North Sumatra Provincial Health Office and similar health service organizations.


Organizational Citizenship Behavior, State Civil Administration (ASN)

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