Influencia de la Edificación de un Paso a Desnivel en el Valor Inmobiliario en Tampico Tamaulipas
The development of public works in Mexico allows the growth of cities. However, on several occasions, it can have a positive or negative impact on the surrounding lands. This study describes the effects (advantages and disadvantages) of the construction of an overpass and its repercussion on the value of adjoining commercial properties in the City of Tampico, Tamaulipas, being located on a cruise of high relevance in the golden zone of the same city.
The weighing of the variables described for the appraiser provides the resulting factors by which to multiply the commercial value of the buildings finding, after the application of the valuation process, that some buildings increased their value while the majority decreased. The decrease in the surrounding buildings was mainly due to the inhibition of frontal view while the building placed on a level higher than the built step increased its value considerably.
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