Germination Test And Growth Kind Of Invasive Alien Bellucia Pentamera Naudin On Different Light Intensity
The research about germination and growth of the invasive alien species Bellucia pentamera Naudin with different light intensities was conducted from December to March 2022 at Plant Ecology Laboratory and Plant Physiology Laboratory, Biology Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, Universitas Andalas, Padang. The research objectives were to find out the effect of different light intensity and the germination of B. Pentamera with differences in the growth of B. pentamera. The research used a completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3 treatments 9 replications and light intensity <25%, ±50%, and >75%. The parameters of the research were time of germination, percentage of germination, number of leaves, number of seedlings, seedling height, and dry weight and wet weight. Based on the research, it was found that on the parameter of seed germination, the average germination appeared from 18 to 25 day. The percentage of seed germination ranges from 1,14% -1,78%. The parameter of the average number of leaves in each treatment ranges from 3-4 leaves, then the parameter of the number of seedlings is 1-2 seedlings. The seedling height ranged from 1-2 cm, the wet weight ranged from 0.01-0.12 gram, and the dry weight ranged from 0.002-0.03 gram. Statistical test results showed that the treatment was not significantly between treatments.
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