Flight Controller Based Ergonomic Fire Fighting Drone Prototype Design

Ahmad Hanafie, Suradi Suradi, Andi Haslindah, Nuralamsyah Nuralamsyah


Fire is a disaster or calamity that threatens human life because its presence is never expected, when and where it will occur and who will be the victim. For this reason, all parties must make anticipatory efforts in the sense of preventing the occurrence or spread of fires as early as possible. The purpose of this research is to design a prototype of an ergonomic firefighting drone based on a flight controller, and the design method is the Research and Development (R&D) method in the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The results of the research in terms of ergonomic design in terms of subjectivity of workers are able to reduce workload, as well as the risk of work accidents, the design of this fire-fighting drone tool is also analyzed by user anthropometry so that it is more optimal between the tool and the human so that they feel comfortable, safe in carrying out activities. While the results of research based on drone design are able to fly according to the desired range such as height, areas that are difficult to reach, while the ability to fly with a load is still limited where based on the first trial with a load of 250 ml the ability to fly for 5 minutes, the second load is 330 ml with flight time of 3.5 minutes, the third load is 500 ml with the ability to fly for 2.4 minutes, and the fourth load is 800 ml with the ability to fly for 1.2 minutes. The reason for the smaller flight time is due to the heavier load because the battery function runs out faster.


Design; Drones; Ergonomic; Firefighter; Flight Controllers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v36.1.4857


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