Network Marketing Business Immersion Human Resource Development in an IT Consulting Firm Focused on Performance

Zainal Ilmi


Human resource development in IT consulting firms that focus on performance. The goal of implementing this program is to discover how companies manage human resources so that performance improvements can occur in IT consulting firms, what efforts companies have made to manage their companies that have an impact on improving performance, and what assessment methods companies use to measure employee performance. In this newly established company, problems such as excessive working hours and other issues can arise. This activity is conducted both online (via the Zoom Us application and Google Meet) and in person. Employee performance is very good, according to the findings of the research. Companies can find solutions to their employee performance problems by providing some training, mentoring, and bonuses that can increase motivation, allowing employee performance to improve and have a positive influence on their employees. The graphical rating scale method and the alternation ranking method are used by the company, and the employee with the highest rank receives an annual bonus.


Human resources, employee performance, IT consultant

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