Information Technology On Human Resource Practices From Public Service Organizations In West Sumatra

Febriani Febriani, Sapta Eka Putra, Yenni Del Rosa


Information technology (IT) is an essential tool in public service organizations to improve the competitiveness of human resources in West Sumatra. Information technology has a significant effect on improving the services of an organization. This study focuses on how current information technology impacts the effectiveness and efficiency of public service organizations in increasing the competitiveness of human resources (HR). In practice, human resource management generally uses IT in the form of a human resource information system for decision-making in the field of HR. The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of IT on public service organizations in West Sumatra to improve the competitiveness of human resources. The sample in the study was 150 employees, purposively used as a sample and a descriptive survey methodology was used. Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of open-ended questions. The results reveal that the existence of public service organizations in West Sumatra related to human resources such as applications such as recruitment applications, attendance, reword, and work systems are software that produces extraordinary benefits in increasing the competitiveness of human resources in public service organizations in West Sumatra.


Human Resources, Information Technology, Public Service

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