The Effect Of Situational Leadership And Motivation On Employee Performance Mediated By Job Satisfaction (Case Study In The Pharmacy Industry)
This study aims to explore the effect of situational leadership and motivation on employee performance through the mediation of job satisfaction in the pharmaceutical industry. This study is a development of previous research that has been conducted in the banking industry. The contribution of this research is expected to have managerial implications in the pharmaceutical industry when a leader has a situational leadership style who can build communication, provide clear directions, and divide tasks among employees, and when employees have high motivation they can feel satisfied. work to improve performance. The sample of this research is employees who work in several pharmaceutical industries in the Bekasi industrial area, West Java. The sample criteria in this study were employees with more than 1 year of service, working in marketing, PPIC, logistics, and production with positions ranging from staff to supervisor. Respondents were selected proportionally using the purposive sampling method. Data was obtained through a questionnaire distributed online. Data analysis technique using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with LISREL. From the research conducted, there are findings that motivation does not have a positive effect on employee performance, however, motivation can have a positive effect on employee performance through a mediator variable, namely, job satisfaction.
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