FinTech Service-Based Online Shopping System Success Model: An Empirical Analysis

Welda Mudiar, Mercurius Broto Legowo


Online Shopping is a system where buyers directly shop for goods or services via the internet from the seller. The development of this system in Indonesia is growing rapidly. This study's objective is to empirically analyze the Online Shopping system success model, where the case study is an online shipping system based on Fintech services developed by PT. Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia. Problems arise when developers want to know the impact of the developed online shopping system's quality on user interest and customer satisfaction, which provides net benefits for users and developer organizations. Data was collected based on a survey of 100 users of the online shop-ping system developed by PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia. The data is then analyzed using SmartPLS software. This empirical analysis study uses the DeLone and McLean Information Systems Success Model as a reference for the analysis. The key finding from the empirical analysis of this FinTech-based online shopping system states that several quality factors of this system can affect the success of an online shop-ping system, including interest in using, user satisfaction, and the impact of the net benefits of the system.  Interest in using an online shop-ping system and user satisfaction also have an effect on providing significant benefits to PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia. This empirical analysis will make a real contribution to show the success of the Online Shopping System based on FinTech services for developers, especially PT Akulaku Silvrr Indonesia.


Analysis, Empirical, System Success, Online Shopping System

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