Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) as an Effort to Maintain Service Quality

Sutrisno Sutrisno, Muhammad Yusuf, Feb Amni Hayati, Pandu Adi Cakranegara, P A. Andiena Nindya Putri


To thrive in a competitive environment, service quality must be maintained. The barbershop business, or what is now more commonly known as the barbershop, is one that must implement SOPs in customer service. This study takes a descriptive qualitative approach. Respondents were the owners and employees of the Tanaka barbershop in Bandung. Making SOP Tanaka barbershop includes efficiency, consistency, error reduction, problem-solving, labor protection, work maps, and defense boundaries. The study's findings are presented in the form of SOPs, which are as follows: a) When visitors arrive, they are assigned a queue number. If ordering online, it must be done on time so as not to disrupt the queue that runs at Tanaka barbershop; b) Employees are required to follow a predetermined pattern or model; c) Shave carefully; d) Communication is the most important thing in work; e) Misfortunes of workers and consumers are the responsibility of the Tanaka barbershop; f) Use cutting tools that are suitable for use and return them to their original places.


Standard Operating Procedures, SOP, Maintain Service Quality

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Copyright (c) 2022 Sutrisno Sutrisno, Muhammad Yusuf, Feb Amni Hayati, Pandu Adi Cakranegara, P A. Andiena Nindya Putri

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