Effect of Marital Satisfaction and Religiosity on Infidelity Intentions in Individuals Undergoing Long-Distance Marriages

Lusiana Mariani Silalahi, Juliana I. Saragih, Hasnida Hasnida


The phenomenon of long-distance marriage will have a negative impact on psychological and physiological conditions, especially on wives who are left behind because they will rarely meet their partners so that this allows problems in the household. This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of marital satisfaction and religiosity on the intention of having an affair. This study used accidental sampling technique and involved 100 individuals who underwent long-distance marriage. The data collection used three scales, namely the infidelity intention scale, marital satisfaction scale and religiosity scale. The analytical technique used in this research is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that (1) marital satisfaction had a significant effect on infidelity intentions, (2) religiosity had a significant effect on infidelity intentions, (3) marital satisfaction and religiosity together influenced infidelity intentions in individuals who underwent long-distance marriages. The implication of this research is that marital satisfaction and religiosity are factors that influence the intention to have an affair, although they have little influence


Infidelity Intention, Marital Satisfaction, Religiosity, Commuter Marriage

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v35.2.4794


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