Isolation and Identification of Endophytic Fungi In Mangrove Plant Nypa fruticans from Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi

Agria Yolanda, Madyawati Latief, Hasna Ul Maritsa


Nypa fruticans is a very important mangrove plant especially for coastal communities. It can be used as an alternative medicine. The research was conducted in several steps, there is isolation and identification of endophytic fungi. Isolation of endophytic fungi includes medium preparation, plant sampling, isolation of endophytic fungi from some parts of N. fruticans organs. The identification stage includes purification, characterization, and identification of endophytic fungi. Endophytic isolation obtained 7 isolates are Fusarium, 3 isolates are Aspergillus, 2 isolates are Acremonium, 2 isolates are Colletotrichum, 2 isolates are Scopulariopsis, 2 isolates are Gliocladium, 1 isolate is Trichocladium, and 1 isolate is a Geotrichum.


Macroscopic; Microscopic; Environmental factors; Fusarium; Aspergillus; Scopulariopsis

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